Some of the literature identified during the study of 510(k) process
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Patsner B. Riegel v. Medtronic, Inc.: revisiting pre-emption for medical devices. J Law Med Ethics. 2009;37(2):305-17.
Pietzsch JB, Zanchi MG, Linehan JH. Medical Device Innovators and the 510(k) Regulatory Pathway: Implications of a Survey-Based Assessment of Industry Experience—Part 2: Medical Device Ecosystem and Policy. J. Med. Devices 7(2), June 24, 2013
Samp RA. Modernizing device regulation. N Engl J Med. 2010;363(2):196; author reply 7.
Shapiro J.K. (Director, Hyman, Phelps & McNamara) Substantial Equivalence Review of Medical Devices, 2013 (Video, White paper and Slides)
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