Research Study

A Comprehensive Analysis of the FDA 510(k) Process:
Industry Practice and Implications for Reform


    John H. Linehan, Ph.D. (PI)
      Professor, Northwestern University

     Jan B. Pietzsch, Ph.D. 
      President & CEO, Wing Tech Inc.
      Consulting Associate Professor, Stanford University

Grant recipient: Northwestern University   

National Press Club Briefing:                                                                       

"A Comprehensive Analysis of the FDA 510(k) Process"  (Slide deck)

NPC Event (Main page through InHealth site)

Video pages (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4)


Medical Device Innovators and the 510(k) Regulatory Pathway: Implications of a Survey-Based Assessment of Industry Experience  (J. Med. Devices 6, 021015 (2012))

Medical Device Innovators and the 510(k) Regulatory Pathway: Implications of a Survey-Based Assessment of Industry Experience - Part 2: Medical Device Ecosystem and Policy  (accepted for publication, J. Med. Devices - forthcoming)

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